Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Christmas came early

That's right, Monkey Corner Records is happy to annouce "Catching the Ghosts" is available on emusic and iTunes. Although the iTunes release was originally slated for March, Satan cashed our souls in early and pushed up the release. Check them out, feel free to purchase. And while you're at the iTunes store, don't forget to check out Truth in Advertising's album, Inconsequential Background Music.

In other Monkey Corner Industries news, the Pittsburgh Monologue Project is having a Best of the Pittsburgh Monologue Project show at Duquesne University Feb. 2 and 3. Both shows begin at 8 p.m.

According to official PMP sources, "This is a compilation of our favorite pieces from every show we've done and all the monologues in our arsenal. We think it's going to be a great show. So ... if you see only one Pittsburgh Monologue show thi syear, this should be it."

Personally, if you see only one PMP show this year, you should be ashamed (unless you live in Indiana)

  • Where: Duquesne University — Rockwell Hall

  • When: Fridiay, Feb. 2, and Saturday, Feb. 3. Both shows at 8 p.m.

  • How much: It's FREE
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