Friday, November 11, 2005

Empty Pages

Dear Blog,
You are now over a week old, but I see no improvements in you. Is it me? Is there something I could be doing? I'm doing the best that I can: it's not like you came with an instruction manual. I hope you don't expect me to be here for you all of the time. I am busy and have other things going on. Maybe we should call this whole thing off. Maybe we just need some time to adjust to one another. Maybe I should try watering you.
Well, I think we both need some time to think things over. Let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Seán, your blog loves you! We had a nice chat this afternoon and it said it's going to try its best to make you feel happy and creative. I told it that I enjoyed reading it, and that seemed to cheer it up a bit. Good luck in your future blogging adventures!